The DUNE collaboration is a major experiment under construction that seeks to unveil the mysteries of neutrino physics.
PG-FIS Professor has a prominent role in the large DUNE collaboration,PG-FIS professor Tobias Frederico is the coauthor of a recently published article in Physical Review Letters that addresses the problem of CP violation in the decay of the D0 meson and proposes a new theoretical approach to explain recent experimental results obtained in the LHCb experiment, (Large Hadron Collider beauty experiment) at the LHC (Large Hadron Collider), at CERN
PG-FIS professor Tobias Frederico coauthors an article in Physical Review Letters,Research on neutron stars at PG-FIS yields three articles in high-impact journals, each with the main authorship of a student. Check the article for details.
PG-FIS students contribute to advancing Neutron star science,Prof. Dr. César Henrique Lenzi, coordinator of the Nuclear Physics area of our Postgraduate program, participated on September 13th in Podcast Ciência Sem Fim, the biggest science Podcast in Brazil, led by scientific popularizer Sérgio Sacani, from SpaceToday .
PG-FIS professor is interviewed in the Podcast Ciência sem Fim,On November 1, 2022, ITA held the IWADS (International Workshop Applications of Dynamical Systems), which featured the presentation of works by students and professors from the graduate program in physics (PG-FIS) at ITA,
IWADS 2022,Study proposes new discoveries that could explain the current accelerated expansion of the Universe.
Accelerated expansion of the Universe,
Course Objectives
PG-FIS aims to train masters and doctors for teaching, research and technological development. The job market for graduates of Physics at ITA is not limited to teaching and basic research: it also includes industry and sectors linked to technological innovation. As it is part of a technological pole, the Department of Aerospace Science and Technology (DCTA), the Postgraduate Program in Physics at ITA has a "technological physics" character, that is, it not only carries out basic research in physics, but also develops related scientific and technological research to the aerospace sector and to companies. See more here.
"A physicist is just the way an atom has found to look at itself".
Niels Bohr
"Logical thinking may take you from A to B, but imagination takes you anywhere in the Universe".
Albert Einstein
"Me, a universe of atoms, an atom in the universe".
Richard Feynman
"Science is man's progressive approach to the real world".
Max Planck
"Be less curious about people and more curious about ideas".
Marie Curie