General Information

ITA is a Federal Institution of Higher Education (IFES) under jurisdiction of the Air Force Command (COMAER), and therefore the Ministry of Defense (MD) and also linked to the Air Force Command (COMAER). It is located at the Department of Aerospace Science and Technology (DCTA), in São José dos Campos, Brazil. ITA is related to the Ministry of Education (MEC) on issues of general education. More details on legal constitution of the institution can be obtained in ITA Regulations and Rules. ITA is specialized in Aerospace Science and Technology areas and offers:
  • Undergraduate courses in Engineering
  • Graduate courses: Master's, Professional Master's and Doctorate degrees
  • Courses of Specialization and Extension
  • Created in 1950 inspired by Marshal Casimiro Montenegro Filho throughout an intensive international cooperation, ITA is considered a center of excellence in engineering education in Brazil.


    Undergraduate courses

    Undergraduate students have free education and meals over the course that lasts five years, in addition to low-cost housing within the campus. ITA offers 6 undergraduate programs:
    • Aeronautical Engineering
    • Electronic Engineering
    • Mechanical-Aeronautical Engineering
    • Civil-Aeronautical Engineering
    • Computer Engineering
    • Aerospace Engineering

    Graduate courses

    ITA offers Master's and PhD degrees through 5 graduate programs divided into 21 areas of concentration:
    Aeronautical & Mechanical Engineering
    • EAM-A - Aerodynamics, Propulsion, Energy
    • EAM-E - Mechanics of Solids and Structures
    • EAM-M - Materials and Manufacturing Process.
    • EAM-P - Production
    • EAM-S - Aerospace System & Mechatronics
    • EAM-V - Flight Mechanics
    Electronic & Computer Engineering
    • EEC-D - Electronic Devices and Systems
    • EEC-I - Computing
    • EEC-M - Microwave and Opticelectronics
    • EEC-S - Systems and Control
    • EEC-T - Telecommunications
    • FIS-A - Atomic and Molecular Physics
    • FIS-N - Nuclear Physics
    • FIS-P - Plasma Physics
    Aeronautical Infrastructure Engineering
    • EIA-I - Airport Infrastructure
    • EIA-T - Air Transportation and Airports
    Space Sciences & Technologies
    • CTE-F - Applied Physics and Mathematics
    • CTE-P - Space Propulsion and Hypersonic
    • CTE-Q - Chemistry of Materials
    • CTE-S - Space Sensors and Actuators
    • CTE-E - Space Systems, Testing & Launch


    ITA also offers Professional Master's degree, a graduate program in partnership with companies and offers graduation courses depending on Armed Forces and the market demands. Most Master's, Professional Master's and Doctorate students receive scholarships from funding agencies or companies.


    Mission Statement and Legislation

    ITA was created by Decree No. 27,695, January 16th in 1950 and defined by Law No. 2,165, January 5th in 1954 with the following mission statement:
  • Providing teaching and education needed for a high level professional performance in the specializations of interest to the aerospace area, in general, and the Air Force Command, in particular;
  • To keep undergraduate, graduate, and specialization courses;
  • Promoting the progress of science and technology related to aerospace activities through education, teaching and research.

ITA Facts

Created in 16.01.1950

Human Resources

Professors: 180 Professors with PhD: 76% Other Staff: 150

Undergraduate Education

Undergraduate programs: 6 Students: 600 Alumni (1950-2011): 5600

Graduate Education

Students: 1600 Master's: 380 Doctorate: 370 Professional Master's: 300 Specialization: 150 Isolated disciplines: 400 Alumni (1963-2011): 4770 Master's: 2700 Doctorate: 470 Prof. Master's: (2003-2011): 700 Specialization (1977-2011): 900

Admission Exam (Undergraduate)

Admissions: 120 Applications (2012): 9337 Applicants per vacancy (2012): 77


Rector: Carlos Américo Pacheco Vice-Rector: Fernando Sakane


São José dos Campos, SP, Brazil